ModelTalker Registration: Proxy

Please complete and submit this form to create an account with and gain access to our voice recording software or to download demo voices. Note that by using our software to upload your speech files, you are giving staff of the Speech Research Laboratory of the Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children access to your speech recordings.

The information requested below is intended to allow us to communicate with you, to assist in classifying your dialect, and to help us better understand the factors that lead to optimal synthetic voice quality. We do not share this information with any external entities. Please fill out the registration form as completely as you can.

Note: This form should be completed by the person who will be recording or receiving a voice since it is that person who must agree to our terms.

*Required Fields

*First/Given/Preferred name:
Middle Name:
*Last name:
*Email address:
CC email:
Only provide if someone (e.g., speech therapist) has agreed to help with your voice banking and wants to be copied on email.
*User ID:
*Verify Password:
Address 1:
Address 2:
State / Province:
Zip / Postal Code:
English Variant:
Regional Dialect:

(Select the city closest to your childhood "hometown" that you think best reflects your personal dialect)

Operating System on which you will be recording:

By clicking Register and submitting this form, I acknowledge that I am recording my speech as a proxy for the person named below (Recipient). My speech and resulting voice will be shared with Recipient and maintained as though Recipient is the owner of the recordings.

*Recipient Full Name:

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please call or email the ModelTalker Project Coordinator (302-651-6545; to discuss your concerns before completing this registration process.

* I have read and agree to the ModelTalker End User License and Terms of Service.


*Required Fields